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Within the series
the Bruno Kreisky Forum for international Dialogue kindly invites to
The History of Innovation and its Indicators
Helga Nowotny talks with Benoît Godin (INRS, Montreal)
Tel.: 318 82 60/20 | Fax: 318 82 60/10
e-mail: einladung.kreiskyforum@kreisky.org
Benoît Godin
is professor at INRS, Montreal, Canada. He holds a DPhil in science policy from Sussex University (UK). He has written extensively on science policy and statistics. He is founder of the Canadian Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST), and director of the Canadian Science and Innovation Indicators Consortium (CSIIC). He is currently involved in a project on the history of science and technology statistics (http://www.csiic.ca/project.html) from which over thirty papers have been produced and two books have recently been published: Measurement and Statistics on S&T: 1920 to the Present, London: Routledge, 2005, and La science sous observation: cent ans de measures sur les scientifiques, 1906-2006, Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2005.
Helga Nowotny
Current position: Vice-President of the European Research Council
Helga Nowotny is Professor em. of Social Studies of Science at ETH Zurich, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the University of Vienna and member of the Governing Board of the Science Center in Berlin. Before joining ETH Zurich, she was Professor at the University of Vienna and Permanent Fellow at Collegium Budapest/Institute of Advanced Study. She has held teaching and research positions at King´s College, Cambridge, the University of Bielefeld, the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. From 2001 – 2005 she was Chair of the European Research Advisory Board, EURAB, of the European Commission.
She has published widely in Social Studies of Science and Technology (STS) and in time studies. Her publications include Re-Thinking Science (with M Gibbons and P. Scott) and recently Unersättliche Neugier: Innovation in einer ungewissen Zukunft, 2005: Curiosità insaziabile. L’innovazione in un futuro fragile, 2006; The Public Nature of Science under Assault (co-authored), 2005; Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation.
Karin Mendel
Tel: +43-(0)1-3188260
Fax: +43-(0)1-3188260/10