
Führung Konstanze Stoiber

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1 Termin
Donnerstag 29. Februar 2024
29. Feb. 2024
Führung Konstanze Stoiber

Tour durch die Ausstellung mit KONSTANZE STOIBER am Donnerstag, 29. Februar von 17 bis 18 Uhr, Domgasse 6.

There Have to be Bells
26 JAN – 9 MAR 2024

The focus of Konstanze Stoiber’s presentation is on a central European society informed and shaped by Christianity and its institutions. Her exhibition asks how identity-forming and societal rituals have changed during the process of secularization and how much impact and influence historical religious sites still have on our current-day experience.

KONSTANZE STOIBER, born 1999 in Mödling, Lower Austria, lives and works in Vienna.
Stoiber completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Fashion Design and Painting at the Parsons School of Design, New York City and Paris. She is currently working on her dissertation in the Artistic Research PhD Program at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna.


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