
On digressing

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1 Termin
Donnerstag 14. März 2024
14. März 2024
On digressing
Klasse für Grafik Design

Alumnitalk Katarina Šoškić
Klasse für Grafik Design/Prof. Oliver Kartak

Kata will show her work as a commissioned photographer and from the artistic and academic field. She will address, in a playful manner, the dichotomy and the ways these two paths of her practice intersect and diverge. She will talk about ups and downs, some milestones and successes but also disappointments and doubts.
Katarina Šoškić is a photographer, commissioned in the field of portrait, fashion, and reportage photography, using analog cameras and available light. Among the others, her clients were Austrian Fashion Association, BENE, Burgtheater Wien, Buro, Chanel, Gruene Erde, Monocle, Mühlbauer, Nike, Numéro Berlin, RENDL, rosa mosa, Tanz Quartier Wien, Vienna Design Week, and many more.

She is a candidate for a PhD in Artistic Research at the University of Applied Arts with an ongoing study in mass tourism and traveling, questioning the capacities of the photographic image and the codependency of textual and visual narratives. Within the imaginary format of an audio-photo book, she tests the limitation of the medium and its usual setup of photo exhibitions and photo books.



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