
Rauw: The Unknown Group

Performance Gruppenausstellung
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1 Termin
Freitag 12. April 2024
12. April 2024
Rauw: The Unknown Group

Performance night of the exhibition RAUW. Das Zittern der Teile. [Rauw. The Trembling of Parts]
About the material of the things in our world and how they circulate in a constant process of composition and dissolution around the globe

A musical collaboration between Matthias Lenz, Maja Osojnik, Violetta Parisini, Karolina Preuschl, Samuel Schaab
Sound Performance: Albert Mayr

The exhibition Rauw. Das Zittern der Teile [‘Rauw’. The Trembling of Parts] deals with the material of the things in our world; things that seem to be made up of an infinite number of individual parts and processes. As an unmanageable amount of particles, parts and raw materials – from a grain of sand to an iPhone, from petroleum to a yoghurt cup – they circulate in a constant process of composition and dissolution around the globe.

Across two evenings, performers and musicians interact with the setting of the exhibition.

Artists: Albert Mayr, Thea Moeller, Samuel Schaab, Benjamin Tomasi, & Hella Gerlach


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