
Crit Cross #22: "It doesn’t pop that much"

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Montag 18. März 2024
18. März 2024
Crit Cross #22: "It doesn’t pop that much"

“It doesn’t pop that much”. Art criticism in the age of user optimization

In a plea for the arts section in the press, Hannah Bethke from Zeit Online recently explained: “It doesn’t pop that much”, describing the way reviews are often perceived, in other words: they do not produce the required number of clicks. Adding, somewhat ironically, that the reason they still have a place in print is simply because readership is not easy to measure in the papers. It is against the backdrop of this skepticism that Crit Cross. A Forum on Art Criticism by Verein K will talk to Viennese art critics who work for two major daily newspapers. How do they see their role in the current critical landscape? What is their approach to criticism?

Michael Huber, Kurier, Vienna
Almuth Spiegler, Die Presse, Vienna

Texts we will discuss:
– Ende der Kritik: Welche Macht hat sie noch? – Almuth Spiegler
– Das „Presse“-Kultur-Briefing: Gegen alles Ungelöste – Almuth Spiegler
– Augen-Fasten? Nicht mit diesen Tüchern! – Almuth Spiegler
– “Immersive Experience”: Frida Kahlo würde weinen, ganz in echt – Almuth Spiegler
– Bäume, Brokkoli und irgendwas mit Kunst – Michael Huber
– Vermeer bringt die Welt in Ordnung – Michael Huber
– Ein Superwahljahr für die Kunst – Michael Huber
– Die Vorteile der Vielfalt – Michael Huber

Crit Cross #22 will take place in German both online and at Depot.


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