
Enigmatic Serenades #2

Musik Klangkunst Konzert Musikperformance Performance
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPFugIqNQ1r7sof0l69
1 Termin
Donnerstag 14. März 2024
14. März 2024
Enigmatic Serenades #2

Verschrin is a musician from Vienna. Together with Bara&Isa he is hosting the monthly mix-series Sad*Crab Radio on HKCR. Performing songs from his recent EP »Ame-lints« among new material.

Natasha Moreno
Natasha Moreno is a live sound artist, creating melancholic noisy soundscapes using modular synthesizers and exploring psychoacoustic effects of repetition. Infusing her compositions with personal narratives, she transforms daily memories into evocative sonic experiences.

Through the use of electronic devices, the solo project 9abriela is an exploration of memory and media. Navigating through an ever-changing archive an internal soundscape of voices, rhythmic loops and processed melodies unfolds. Born in Mexico City and based in Austria since 2015, Gabriela Gordillo works on the topics of time, dialogue and displacement. Her work takes place in the context of performance, in different constellations and collaborations.

DJ Lucia Kagramanyan
Lucia Kagramanyan is a Vienna-based DJ also known as a host of NTS radio show »Panorama Yerevan«, which is showcasing solely Armenian music in its huge variety. Lucia is researching Armenian music and makes it accessible via one-hour episodes that focus either on different genres or moods, mixing together old and new recordings. Her balance between obscure and obvious and digger highlights as a selector/DJ can be heard on radio waves of Palestinian Radio Alhara as well as in past guest shows on Red Light Radio, Reform Radio Bristol, Rinse FM, Operator Radio in Rotterdam, and others.

AK: 10€
Tickets via KUPFTicket: 7,50€
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