
Circuit Fantôme S4 Ep1: Diego Losa Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPFvDphy6Uo3jWSzTEL
15. März
Musikperformance Performance

Circuit Fantôme
series of octophonic / acousmatic listening sessions and performances,
curated by Anton Iakhontov and Daniel Teruggi
Season 4 Episode 1: Diego Losa live.

“Crónicas Del Tiempo” (5.1) 2004
“Sortie d’un rêve dans une nuit étrange, très loin d’ici” (5.1) 2013
“Horizons ou le récit d’un voyageur” (octophonics ) 2015
“Plasma, ou les fantômes d’Iwo Jima” (Octophonics ) 2023
Intermission: Performance concert and electronics Music.

Diego Losa (b.1962, Buenos Aires).
A member of INA GRM (Music Research Group) and in charge of the digitization of GRM’s original work, Diego Losa is also a sound manager and technical assistant to guest composers at INA. A Sound Engineering professor at Sorbonne (Paris I) and EICAR Film School, Diego also teaches electroacoustic music at St-Etienne Conservatoire à rayonnement régional. Diego created music for cinema, radio, the circus and dance performances. Diego performs his own pieces for traditional South American music concerts and in jazz bands. His pieces have been played in France, the U.S, Germany, Norway, Brazil, China, England, Poland and more…

15 March, 18:00-22:00
Coordination - Petra Leisentritt,
Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur, Ina-GRM and Institut Français Vienna.


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