
Office Ukraine Get Together and Guided tour

Führung Gruppenausstellung
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 27. März 2024
27. März 2024
Office Ukraine Get Together and Guided tour

»Office Ukraine. Support for Ukrainian Artists« is happy to invite you to participate in the guided tour, meeting with curators from BLOCKFREI Collective and artists of the current exhibition Leap Year at DAS WEISSE HAUS. We will go together through the current show the Leap Year with the curators and artists and will visit artists’ studios in the house. Curators will talk more about the program and the structure of DAS WEISSE HAUS.

DAS WEISSE HAUS is a unique self-organized art institution in Austria with an abundant history. It is an intricate organism, the main purpose of which is to serve as a liaison and meeting point between Viennese emerging and professional art scenes, different communities and audiences, but also between international and local artists and art professionals.

Since 2013, STUDIO DAS WEISSE HAUS has been an integral part of the institution, promoting art production and networking through an elaborate studio and residency program.

The Get Together is a meeting where cultural workers from Austria and artists from Ukraine can get to know each other, find a ground for future collaborations and spend time in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We hope that this meeting will help to build professional networks and share knowledge and ideas.
Drinks and snacks will be provided. We will be happy to see you there!


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