
Voices & Visions Live

Musik Klangkunst Performance Konzert Musikperformance Präsentation
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1 Termin
Freitag 19. April 2024
19. April 2024
Voices & Visions Live

What is “Voices & Visions Live” about? A one-day event exhibiting the work of diverse artists from diverse art fields. The event will also include live performances from the featured artists and the programme is surely something to look forward to. Here’s the schedule:

15:00 - Entry / Exhibition start
18:00 - Welcome by NewCulture
18:15 - Comedy by Der Kuseng
18:30 - Poetry by Shefali Banerji
18:45 - Dance by Suzanne Kertèsz
19:00 - Singing by Luxana Lozano
20:00 - Fashion show by Kareem Aladhami
20:30 - Music by Bubblegum Lecter
21:00 - Music & Performance by RAGE


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