
Re-enchantment: Spiritus

Tanz Performance
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 17. April 2024
17. April 2024
Re-enchantment: Spiritus

by Lisen Pousette and Olivia Rivière
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab

Spiritus is a work engaging with ideas of ‘resonance’, where resonance is understood as an acoustic phenomenon as well as something describing a relationship. In the performance, the choreographers and dancers Olivia Rivière and Lisen Pousette enter un-set performative situations with body and voice that oscillates, stay responsive and spin off of eachother.

Their practices of resonance originate from whatever voices; the small cries, wet, dry, high pitched forms of ‘screams’ and melodies. While exploring the specific timbre and force, the sounds invoke a variety of textures and gestalts. Spiritus is a play with this as the work taps into the word’s meanings and derivations: breathing, mood, geist as well as alcohol and intoxication.

In Spiritus, states of listening, observing and responding are practiced through their sensing selves. They therefore invite the audience to listen to the subtle nuances in their song, the small exchanges, those that we rarely notice, even though they are so crucial in the approach of a discernible change.

By and with: Olivia Rivière and Lisen Pousette
Music and sound design: Kristian Alexander
Light scenography: Anna Moderato
Dramaturgy: Ida Larsen
Costume: Olivia Rivière and Lisen Pousette
Lights: Olivia Rivière and Lisen Pousette in conversation with Erik Molberg Hansen
Technician: Mali Dönmez
Photo: Kristian Alexander


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