
Porn Film Festival

Eröffnung Festival
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPPBeO4YYmDvaideVFj
1 Termin
Mittwoch 10. April 2024
10. April 2024
Porn Film Festival

At P/rn Film Festival Vienna, we defy the monotony of conservative mainstream adult content, proudly presenting feminist, queer, and LGBTQIA+ perspectives. Our carefully curated film and theory program features a diverse selection of feature films, documentaries, and shorts that explore a wide spectrum of s/xual orientations, identities, and body norms.
Beyond the screen, PFFV extends its impact with thought-provoking panel discussions, insightful lectures, exhibitions, parties and our renowned workshops, making the festival a holistic experience over six immersive days.

Opening Film
Orlando, My Political Biography by Paul B. Preciado, France 2023, 98 minutes, French with German and English subtitles

In “Orlando” (1928), Virginia Woolf tells the story of a young man who ends up being a woman. Almost 100 years after the publication of the novel, which is now considered a key queer text, philosopher and trans activist Paul B. Preciado writes a film letter to Woolf and calls out to her: “Your character has come true, the world is full of Orlandos today! In his film, he traces his own transformation and lets 25 other trans and non-binary people between the ages of 8 and 70 have their say. They all slip into the role of Orlando.


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