
Gonzalo Fuenmayor: Exotic Utopias

Von Mittwoch
03. April
bis Freitag
31. Mai
Galerie Ernst Hilger Wien 1
Dorotheergasse 5
1010 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPQlSozAO76PZTNvYRe

Kuratiert von Claire Breukel
Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 11. April 2024, 19 - 21 Uhr
Einführende Worte zur Ausstellung von Claire Breukel
Der Künstler wird anwesend sein

Centered around themes The Exotic; The Spectacle; and The Collision, the exhibition unfolds as acts of a theater play. In his new drawing “The Privilege of Shadows”, Fuenmayor depicts Schönbrunn Palace as a symbol of regality with an audience of banana trees encroaching on its stage. Gesturing to inequalities inherent to the export-import trade between “North and South”, Fuenmayor conflates time, space, and realities in his work to create a third space for contemplation on concepts of value.

  • Claire Breukel

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