
Klima Biennale: Meme-Thinking and Meme-Making mit Cem A.

Workshop Festival Ausstellung
Von Montag
08. April
bis Dienstag
09. April
Museum Nordwestbahnhof
Nordwestbahnstraße 16a
1200 Wien
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08.+ 09.04., 15:00 Uhr: Workshop Meme thinking und Meme Making mit Cem A. aka Freeze Magazine
Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof
Nordwestbahnstraße 16
1200 Wien

Cem A. is an artist with a background in anthropology. He is known for running the art meme page @freeze_magazine and for his site-specific installations. His work explores topics such as survival and alienation in the art world, often through a hyper-reflexive lens and collaborative projects.

Cem A. offers a special workshop where he takes participants on a journey through meme production. In the first half of the workshop, titled ‘Meme-thinking,’ he will lead discussions on theories spanning from media and cultural studies to art history, demonstrating how memes can be contextualized within this framework. In the second half (‘Meme-making’), he will guide participants through the step-by-step process of creating memes and facilitate collaborative meme creation.

Anmeldung via Email: booking@biennale.wien
Maximale Gruppengröße: 15 Personen (+14)
Treffpunkt: Klima Commons Halle / Workshop Raum
Sprache: Englisch


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