
Prospect Sessions No. 5

Musik Klangkunst Konzert Musikperformance Performance
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPQtMeic9aIpkXPx7Hj
1 Termin
Sonntag 7. April 2024
7. April 2024
Prospect Sessions No. 5

Prospect Sessions No. 5 @ Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 6, 1060 Wien
Sunday 07.04.2024
concerts start: 16:00

16:00 - Lusiali & Tabea Briggs & Karolina Svärd
16:45 - Royl Culbertson
17:30 - Marta Beauchamp
18:15 - Bassano Bonelli Bassano
19:00 - Sebastian Meyer Part 1
19:15 - Marius Neuner
19:45 - Jonas Hammerer
20:15 - Conny Zenk & Julia Just Part 1
20:40 - Sebastian Meyer Part 2
21:00 - Fabian Lanzmaier
21:30 - Conny Zenk & Julia justPart
22:00 - Philip Pi Leitner & Kasho Chualan & Daniel Lercher

Prospect Sessions is a multichannel audio/ concerts/ listening sessions format @Prospekthof/Semperdepot.

In this format, artists are invited to explore the possibilities of this particular architectural and acoustic space for a whole week and give a joint presentation of their work at the end. The focus is not to show finished works but to provide insights into the different ways of working. The presentations are designed as open ping-pong sessions and spontaneous collaborations among each other. The audience is thus invited to join an extended rehearsal room.


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