
In Conversation: Kathy Rae Huffman

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1 Termin
Freitag 19. April 2024
19. April 2024
In Conversation: Kathy Rae Huffman
Raum 24

Kathy Rae Huffman* in Conversation with UBERMORGEN

Digitale Kunst Department
Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1st floor / room 24

Kathy Rae Huffman is an American curator, writer, producer, researcher, lecturer and expert for video and media art. Since the early 1980s, Huffman has helped to establish video and new media art, online and interactive art, installation and performance art in the visual arts world. She has curated, written about, and coordinated events for numerous international art institutes, consulted and juried for festivals and alternative arts organisations. Huffman is working in the US, in Canada and in Europe.


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