
Panel Talk with Karl Karner

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1 Termin
Mittwoch 24. April 2024
24. April 2024
Panel Talk with Karl Karner

As special highlight during Karl Karner’s current solo exhibition fichtengrau, Galerie Kandlhofer cordially invites you to a panel talk about the artist’s new Tümpel Project on Wednesday, April 24th, starting at 6:00 PM at Galerie Kandlhofer.

The panel will bring together experts from the fields of research, business, and art to discuss the substantive background of his current exhibition as well as the artist’s new Tümpel Project. Karner discovered his passion for re-naturalization in his youth, which he combines with the urgent need for action in preserving and creating new water bodies, especially pond zones, which are the most diverse and simultaneously the most endangered ecosystems. Through this project, Karner aims to empower people in their agency and encourage them to sustainably utilize their resources – for example, by investing in nature.

The Tümpel Project was initiated by Karl Karner to promote the creation of new wetland areas and natural spaces. In cooperation with Galerie Kandlhofer and the Nature Conservation Association Austria, land is being acquired dedicated to this purpose. In addition to creating a pond, an annual art project will be realized that engages with the area and its nature. The project can be supported by purchasing one of the sculptures from Karl Karner’s Tümpel Series, which also evoke those landscapes in their appearance. The proceeds will be entirely invested in implementing this project.

We are looking forward to see you at the panel talk!


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