
Katharina Höglinger: If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should

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Mittwoch 24. April 2024
24. April 2024
Katharina Höglinger: If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should

Katharina Höglinger

We cordially invite you to the presentation of Katharina Höglinger’s first book, published by VfmK.
The publication If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should is between a monograph and an artist book with a text by Florentine Rungrama Muhry and a conversation between Anna Schachinger and the artist. Together with the graphic designer Alexandra Möllner, they developed a book concept that makes the various strands, the instinctive, methodical and processual working methods as much as the joyful experimental approaches in Katharina Höglinger’s work tangible and entertaining.


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