

➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPTS4Unp4vWcMZnYpPD
1 Termin
Donnerstag 2. Mai 2024
2. Mai 2024

Herzlichst laden wir zu einem Release (TRUBA) von Andreas Trobollowitsch
(featuring Alex Kranabetter & Martin Eberle). Kollaborationspartner ist Engelsharfen + Teufelsgeigen.
Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen.

Andreas Trobollowitsch feat. Alex Kranabetter and Martin Eberle
LP Release - listening session with live performance
invited by Hans Jürgen Hauptmann

02. Mai 2024

TRUBA is the record of a site-specific „sound installation based on a turntable 2 meters in diameter.
The music emanating from it was made by 2 trumpet players sitting on its colossal surface, facing outward and turning in circles at a leisurely 8 rpm.
They regularly rotated past 6 holes, each of them 16 centimeters in diameter, that were themselves the openings of 4- to 6-meter-long pipes
that were arranged radially around this gyroscope of sound in a charming construction devised with a keen sense for the idiosyncrasies of the employed materials.
The pipes transformed the acoustic impulses of the instruments, organised according to a special written score and enriched with the resonant energy of the materials used in the construction,
into an extensive acoustic topography of wandering, overlapping, and mutually permeating sonic clouds, pulsing fuzzily and constantly in flux, through which the audience strolled.“
excerpt from the text TRUBA by Hans-Jürgen Hauptmann

the record will be released on 7th of may on the label
Futura Resistenza
Brussels, Belgium


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