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Charim Galerie is very happy to present the work of Ulay and Alban Muja this spring, curated by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein and Alenka Gregorič (director Cukrarna, Ljubljana). Working closely with the Ulay Foundation we have the opportunity to show early photo series from the historically important conceptual and performance artist Ulay. They will be installed in conjunction with works from Kosovo artist Alban Muja, who recently completed a major public project for Manifesta in Pristina and who was in dialog with Ulay during his lifetime. The exhibition title is taken from a video made by Muja, featuring Ulay discussing an early performance work with Marina Abramović.
Vienna gallery SOPHIE TAPPEINER will hold a joint exhibition supported by the Ulay Foundation presenting work from Ulay and Sophie Thun, curated by Hana Ostan Ožbolt.
Opening: Tuesday, 07.05.2024, 6 pm, Charim Dorotheergasse
Join us at 5 pm for a talk with Alban Muja & Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
Screening: Monday, 03.06.24, 8:30 pm, Ulay Coming With, MQ Haupthof, Vienna