
Journal du Thé

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1 Termin
Freitag 24. Mai 2024
24. Mai 2024
Journal du Thé

Journal du Thé – Magazine Presentation & Tea by Rami Tea

Well, there is tea. A liquid inside a cup, whether brewed with utmost care from the most precious of leaves or just hot water, poured over a bag from the store. And then there is the moment, the calm, the vapour condensating on your face in little droplets. Surely, this isn’t about hydration or a caffeine kick. But what is that something that makes tea this force that lets us slow down and grants serene moments to our lives?

It is said that what makes a teapot a teapot is the empty space inside. Likewise, in this journal we would like to explore space – in our case the space that surrounds a cup of tea. Journal du Thé wants to take you, the reader, with us and learn as we learn about the universe that revolves around our favourite beverage.

Journal du Thé is based on an idea by French artist Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck who lives in rural Oxfordshire. The magazine is designed by Tilmann S. Wendelstein who divides his time between Berlin, Tokyo and rural Greece. Both gather content and edit each and every chapter themselves, occasionally with the help of guest contributors. Journal du Thé is published by Poetic Pastel Press, London.

At the gathering at Softcover, Tilmann will talk about the process of making the magazine from research to editing to designing and everything else. Everybody is welcome to join in and turn this evening into an open conversation about print media making and about tea itself.

There will be tea provided by Rami Tea on a donation basis (support your local tea shop!).


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