
Enesi M. / Sunk Heaven / Mala Herba

Musik Klangkunst Konzert Musikperformance Performance
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPTulJGIgg0Er02Seo6
1 Termin
Dienstag 14. Mai 2024
14. Mai 2024
Enesi M. / Sunk Heaven / Mala Herba

// Enesi M. (AT)
Enesi M. is a vocalist, songwriter and aspiring
producer who fuses heavy metal sounds with
hip hop, electronic, reggaeton and baile funk
rhythms. She pairs harsh, guttural vocals with raps and
sung harmonies while refusing to conform to one
genre and going through the whole spectrum of emotions

/// Sunk Heaven (NYC)
Sunk Heaven was founded in 2012 by experimental musician Austin Sley Julian. Based in performance, no input mixers, and synthesizers, sunk heaven has used the stretches of sonic extremity to produce elegant yet self destructing soundscapes.

//// Mala Herba (AT)
hybrid DJ set
10€ door
20:00hr Music 20:30hr


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