
Bioludic Flow Soirée

Workshop Diskussion
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 15. Mai 2024
15. Mai 2024
Bioludic Flow Soirée
Flux 2

Experimental Game Cultures

Ivan Jakarić, Lab responsible
Margarete Jahrmann, head Experimental Game Cultures

Im BiO∞LudiC∞LaB verschmelzen Kunst, ludische Ansätze, Wissenschaft und Natur zu einem einzigartigen Konzept. Unser Ziel ist es, das „Bioludic Wide Web“ zu etablieren — ein solides Fundament für eine zukunftsfähige, bioludische Gesellschaft. In dieser kreativen Umgebung fördern und pflegen wir innovative Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, nicht-menschlichen Wesen, der Natur, des Spiels und der Technologie.
Herzliche Einladung zu unseren bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen:

Workshop zu Spiel und bio-ludischer Materialität
Mit einem Hands-on Workshop zu Spiel und bio-ludischer Materialität starten wir am 15. Mai um 13:00 Uhr mit der Künstler*in und Aktivist*in Lyndsey Walsh.

Ludic Method Soirée
Am Abend folgt um 19:00 Uhr eine Ludic method soirée im FLUX 2 mit Beiträgen von den Panelistas Lyndsey Walsh (Interfaces of Care), Enrique Torres (künstlerische Tatsachen), Katja Banović & Xavier Madden (Bacteria Babies) und Ivan Jakarić, (BioLudicLab).

Die Veranstaltung ist ein Teil des Projekts „The Psycho-Ludic Approach: Exploring play for a viable future“, unterstützt durch FWF/PEEK/ AR 787. Dieses Panel erforscht das Spiel als kritisches und kreatives Werkzeug zur Gestaltung zukünftiger Lebensweisen.

Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Abend mit den folgenden Gästen und Beiträgen:

Interfaces of Care
Lyndsey Walsh

Working with life can get messy. There is an ever-growing tension that forms between the desires and needs of two entities entering an exchange. The process of making art with living materials and organisms can often reveal how complex and entangled the networks of relationships are. This talk and workshop will explore how care and caring systems can be integrated into artistic practice, how we can read and generate meaning from the aesthetics of care, and how we can rethink and reimagine interfaces of care to engage with living materials, organisms, and systems.

Lyndsey Walsh is an American artist, writer, and researcher based in Berlin, DE. Lyndsey has a Bachelor’s in Individualised Studies from New York University and a Master’s in Biological Arts with Distinction from SymbioticA Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts at the University of Western Australia. Lyndsey’s practice fuses speculative narratives and horror with autoethnographic investigations into the ruptures created by technology in the corporality of culture. Lyndsey sets out to question the cultural binaries of human-non-human, diseased-healthy, and life-machine using Crip, Queer, and intersectional feminist frameworks. Currently, Lyndsey is the first and only residing artist of the Department of Experimental Biophysics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Their work has been featured in events and with institutions such as Frieze Art Week New York, the Humboldt Forum, the Ural Biennial, the Berlin Biennale, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Transmediale/CTM, and more.

Bacteria Babies
Katja Banović & Xavier Madden
Bacteria Babies is a project which focused on the experimental growth of bacterial cellulose and worked with 65 participants between Pula (HR) and Vienna (AT). This decentralised factory aimed to explore two questions: How well can bacterial cellulose grow in varying conditions? And how customizable are the growth processes? What initially appeared to be two straightforward questions evolved into a nuanced exploration of the relationships between people, bacteria, and the environments in which we live.

Katja Banović and Xavier Madden are European-based designers with backgrounds in architecture, stage design, and set design. Since receiving their diplomas from the University of Applied Arts Vienna (2022), they focused on creating atmospheric spaces that foster community interaction through their performative qualities. Some of their recent projects include spatial installations for Museumsquartier Vienna, Waking Life Music and Arts Festival Portugal, Pitch Music and Arts Festival Australia, Winter Stations Toronto, and Base Milano for Milan Design and Art Weeks. Previously, Xavier was also a research assistant for Co-Corporeality, a project that addressed responsive spaces in the era of biomediality which was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and won best project at ACADIA 2022. There, he gained valuable knowledge in the production and treatment of bacterial cellulose.

künstlerische Tatsachen
Enrique Torres

We bring science and art together and develop unique places of exchange between the disciplines! The project enables scientists to gain new perspectives on their work and artists to expand their practice through scientific methods. The cities of Jena and Ulm will be opened up as a meeting place for the arts and science community. An artistic research process that is transparent to the public provides the basis for future encounters between science and art.

Enrique Xavier Torres Solorzano (he/him), based in Berlin and Jena, is an
independent curator skilled in merging the arts with technology. He graduated with
distinction from the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Cross-Disciplinary Strategies).
Since 2018, Enrique has been integral to the re:publica team, notably expanding the
Off Stage Program. He initiated the “künstlerische Tatsachen” (kT) residency, a program that brings together artists and scientists to develop research-driven artworks. The label kT has
evolved into a recognized regional actor that now produces and consults on transdisciplinary


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