
Radical Art for Societies in Turmoil

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1 Termin
Mittwoch 22. Mai 2024
22. Mai 2024
Radical Art for Societies in Turmoil

Book presentation

Can radical film practices help to understand a disintegrating world? Can they have a healing effect? How can we maintain structures of solidarity in the field of radical media production for societies in turmoil and transition? Edited by members of the Berlin chapter of the International Radical Film Network, this collection investigates practices of audio-visual production that act on and struggle with the conditions of our time.

Andrea Ancira García, editor, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien
Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh, artist, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien
Moderation: Ursula Böckler, Julia Lazarus, Alexandra Weltz-Rombach, Radical Film Network Berlin

Ursula Böckler, Julia Lazarus, Alexandra Weltz-Rombach (eds.), Radical Film, Art and Digital Media for Societies in Turmoil, Berlin: K. Verlag 2023


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