
Sonic Agency – Listening Session XI

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1 Termin
Donnerstag 16. Mai 2024
16. Mai 2024
Sonic Agency – Listening Session XI

Listening session, discussion & artist talk

Spurred on by the acuteness of current global events, Struma+Iodine is raising its voice in solidarity with the oppressed, the tortured, the silenced, and the unheard. Sound’s ability to touch the listener, to involve them via emotional and physical affection, turns the sonic into a partner in the fight for a more just world. Under the banner of Sonic Agency we are collecting recordings by artists who want to enforce a sonic activism, to establish new ways to think and act collectively via sonic means. The featured sounds lend themselves to global emancipatory struggles, and fights for freedom and equality. We’ll listen to the contributions of ABIH BEAINI (LBN/DE), MOTHER (UK), MIA ZABELKA (AT) and YUZU (BGR/AT) collectively, before having an open discussion on politics and aesthetics in sound.

Yuzu, composer, artist, Vienna
Moderation: Li Falkensteiner, curator; Shilla Strelka, curator; Samo Zeichen, researcher, Vienna

In cooperation with Struma+Iodine.


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