
Struma+Iodine: Sonic Agency

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1 Termin
Donnerstag 30. Mai 2024
30. Mai 2024
Struma+Iodine: Sonic Agency

19-21:00 Listening Session
with commissioned works by Hasan Hujairi (BHR/ARE), Anh Phi (VNM/FR), Mia Zabelka (AT), Gischt (AT) u.a.
Guests: Gischt, Mia Zabelka u.a.
Open Discussion moderated by Tianyu Jiang, Samo Zeichen & Shilla Strelka

21-22:00 DJ-Set: Oko Oko

Unter dem Motto Sonic Agency setzen sich Struma+Iodine für einen akustischen Aktivismus des Widerstands ein. Die Kuratorin Shilla Strelka führt in ihrem Statement aus: „Die beteiligten Künstler*innen setzen sich für einen sozialen und politischen Wandel ein. Die in den Sessions vorgestellten Klänge widmen sich globaler emanzipatorischer Kämpfe und Bewegungen, die für Freiheit und Gleichheit einstehen. Es sind Klänge, die sich der Stille widersetzen, die uns umgibt. Sie sind wütend, verzweifelt, tieftraurig, paralysiert, mitfühlend und rebellisch wie wir. Es gibt eine Botschaft im Klang, die nicht verneint werden kann“.

Sonic Agency ist eine von Struma+Iodine kuratierte Listening Session, diesmal gehostet vom echoraum.

„As we have always dealt with sound as a political category, our activism is based on listening and focuses on the revolutionary potential that is inherent in the sonic. Under the banner of Sonic Agency we want to enforce a sonic activism of opposition and resistance. The artists involved are advocating for social and political transformation. Their sounds lend themselves to global emancipatory struggles, and fights for freedom and equality. The featured sounds aren’t complicit in the silence that surrounds us. They are furious, desperate, crying, paralysed, compassionate and rebellious like us. There is a message in sound that cannot be negated.

Listening is not neutral.
Listening shapes the reality we live in.
Listening is shaped by ethics and politics and leads back to it.
Listening is directly linked to memory and identity.
Listening is as important as speaking.
Listing is an active act.

We want to establish new ways to think and act collectively via sonic means. Sound’s ability to touch the listener, to involve them via emotional and physical affection, turns the sonic into a partner in the fight for a more just world. Sonic Agency is led by urgency and the pressing need for articulation. It is an effort to enable and reinforce transformative processes in our societies, while critically questioning hegemonic systems. Sonic Agency opens up space for a caring community of equals. Sonic Agency is grounded in the sonic’s ability to introduce the feeling of connectivity, and the possibility of community – a community yet to come.

We stand in global solidarity with the part of our societies that has no part.
We are raising our voice for those who are silenced, unheard and rendered invisible – dehumanised.
We are advocating for peace, justice, equality, and freedom for every human being on this earth.
We protest collectively against oppressive systems and systems based on exploitation, authoritarian regimes, fascist ideologies, and reactionary governments everywhere on this planet.“


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