
Post Grad Life - Studio, Büro, Atelier, Kollektiv?

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1 Termin
Montag 24. Juni 2024
24. Juni 2024
Post Grad Life - Studio, Büro, Atelier, Kollektiv?

Kunst und Architektur

Die Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien lädt ein zur Post Grad Life-Veranstaltung “Studio, Büro, Atelier, Kollektiv? / Studio, Office, Atelier, Collective? How do we want to work in architecture?” mit den Vortragenden Ella Felber und Felix Steinhoff.

Post-Grad Life is an information and discourse format developed to foster exchange between the Academy and graduates to showcase challenges after graduation. The architecture edition ‘Studio, Office, Atelier, Collective?’ takes a look at work structures and practices in the expanded field of architecture. Ella Felber and Felix Steinhoff will facilitate this afternoon in German and English. They will share their own personal experiences, practices and tactics as well as ones collected through the exhibition and platform ‘Zwischen Kostenschätzung, Muttermilch und Bauwende.’ Starting from the question ‘How does your (future) living reality look like?’ we will discuss: ‘What does this mean for your (future) working reality? How do we want to work?’

Meet & Discuss
16:30 – 19:00 Ella Felber und Felix Steinhoff
19:00 – 19:30: Get together

Kontakt: wissenstransfer@akbild.ac.at


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