
No Connection At All?

Eröffnung Ausstellung
Von Dienstag
18. Juni
bis Freitag
30. August
Galerie Ernst Hilger Wien 1
Dorotheergasse 5
1010 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPWhiPbU4axDC433wMd

Vernissage: Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024, 19 - 21 Uhr

Asgar/Gabriel, ERRÓ, Allen Jones, Andreas Leikauf, Cameron Platter,
Bernard Rancillac, Mel Ramos, Grzegorz Siembida, Andy Warhol

Einführende Worte zur Ausstellung von Vanessa Bersis

Absolutely no connection? … or maybe there is? The exhibition at Galerie Hilger presents a wide variety of artistic positions that deal with pop culture in a humorous and subversive way.
Works by Andy Warhol, Allen Jones, Mel Ramos and Erró are set in dialogue with works by young international artists. A refreshing mix and plenty of pop esprit!

  • Vanessa Bersis

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