
Crit Cross #23

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1 Termin
Montag 24. Juni 2024
24. Juni 2024
Crit Cross #23

Texte zur Kunst: Writing on Art

Christian Liclair, editor in chief of Texte zur Kunst, occupies an interesting position at the crossroads of different partisan and non-partisan approaches, practicing and commissioning. In his remarks, he addresses the question of evaluation, the focus on specific types of art and political agendas and other topics that define current writing on art. The event is thus an opportunity to deepen the investigations of different forms and problems of writing about art: How can a journal or magazine define and redefine its role? How can a personal position in art writing be articulated with an editorial role? And … what makes for a successful text?

Christian Liclair, art historian, art critic, Berlin
Moderation: Klaus Speidel, art critic, curator, Vienna

In cooperation with Verein K.


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