
Filme von Ivar Murd

➜ edit + new album ev_02xZPXToKgNVX4PCNxfUeH
1 Termin
Mittwoch 3. Juli 2024

IVAR MURD was born 1990 in Kohtla-Järve – a shale oil mining town in East Estonia. He has lived in Finland, Denmark and the United States. Graduated magna cum laude in 2013 from Fairleigh Dickinson University (Madison, NJ, USA), Department of Audiovisual Arts, majoring in Directing with a minor in Studio Arts. Directs and produces documentaries and music videos. He is one of the organizers of Mägede Hääl music festival. CEO of Kino Sõprus since 2020.

Mart Avi – Lost Weekend - (MUSIC VIDEO | 4 mins) - Director & Editor: Ivar Murd Cinematographer & Colorist: Fidelia Regina Randmäe

Vera Vice – Flowers on Sunday - (MUSIC VIDEO | 3 mins) - Director and editor: Ivar Murd Cinematographer: Fidelia Regina Randmäe

Kihnu Marathon - (SHORT FILM | 11 mins) - Estonian / Japanese - ENGLISH SUBTITLES - A Japanese marathoner Hiroyuki embarks on a race for peace on the Baltic island known as Europe’s last matriarchy, only to find himself chased by an evil creature from the sea. - Directed, written, and edited by Ivar Murd Produced by Margus Õunapuu Music by Ajukaja Animations by Leander Meresaar

u.Q. - (DOCUMENTARY | 83 mins) - Estonian / English - ENGLISH SUBTITLES - A documentary about musician Uku Kuut and his mother, singer Maryn E.Coote (or jazz diva Marju Kuut, as she was better known in Estonia), u.Q. takes viewers on a geographical, political, and musical journey. Illustrated by a pop-infused collage made up of home footage, interviews, and stylized photographs, the mother-and-son duo travel from the Soviet Union to a recording studio in Los Angeles, via high school in Sweden, and back to the newly independent Estonia. With visuals aligning the story through their dynamism and unpredictability as they tour through different, niche musical subgenres, Uku and Marju’s life story is a veritable Greek comedy captured on 8mm, VHS and BETA tape.

Ein Filmabend in Kooperation mit Scott Clifford Evans


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