
Portable Paradises II

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1 Termin
Dienstag 2. Juli 2024
2. Juli 2024
Portable Paradises II

Portable Paradises – II
Gabriele Edlbauer, Julia S. Goodman
If You Can’t Say It with Words, Say It with Chicken
2 July – 18 August, 2024

Where Are My Keys - WrMK is pleased to present the second chapter of Portable Paradises, a site-specific art project taking place at Ausgabe, a historic kiosk located in Vienna’s 9th district. Austrian-based artists Gabriele Edlbauer and Julia S. Goodman are invited to interact with the structure of the kiosk itself, presenting a new collaborative project.
Edlbauer’s sculptural work is often characterized by ‘bad humor’ and an exploration into the logic of the absurd, frequently challenging social and political assumptions and blurring the boundaries between the artificial and the organic. Goodman’s paintings and installations are deeply rooted in personal and collective histories, exploring how memory and identity are intertwined with the physical and cultural landscape. Together, Edlbauer’s and Goodman’s collaborative works celebrate the messiness of narratives, embrace emotional ambiguities, empathize with material polyphonies, and baffle with culinary delusions.
At Ausgabe, the artists will present two specially made window displays inspired by their most recent collaboration, the emotionally loaded cookbook If You Can’t Say It with Words, Say It with Chicken. For it, Edlbauer and Goodman not only created the recipes but also designed the props, sculptures, and tableware, adding an extremely appealing and multifaceted aspect to the whole project. If You Can’t Say It with Words, Say It with Chicken is an exquisite artist- cookbook filled with recipes meant to aid the reader and home cook in their quest to address difficult-to-express emotions.

Tuesday July 2, 2024
6 – 9 pm
Ausgabe Porzellangasse 1/Kiosk, 1090 Vienna


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