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Sound Performance
By Karine Blanche & Julia Zastava
We invite you the 27th July, 8 pm
@ Spektakel, Hamburgerstraße 14, 1050 Wien
Abdominal Marmalade Agency {{A.M.A.}} hijacks problem/solution where displacement opens up new levels of meaning. The creative potential of disruptive spaces paves the way for fantastic whimsy.
Fragmented Fragments
Wind of a Distant
Gaze of Doves
Enchanted cymbals
Train’s Gelation
Accidental Punishment
- this could be read as a description of their sound or as the title of its chapters.
The sound performance is a DIY multichannel composition played with a prepared harp, a flute, a Nord keyboard, voice, object activation, bells, loop pedal, found audio footages, field recordings and invented instruments. Their set design is articulated around sculptures created by visual artist Julia Zastava reimagined and performed into instruments by Karine Blanche.
Supported by the Margareten 5. Bezirk MA7 Stadt Wien