
Do I like it? Or do I love it?

Kunst Film Screening Diskussion
eSeL – Geheimtipp
»Ist es Liebe oder kann das weg?«
➜ edit + new album ev_02xhFClpaj9phKi5XZqksQ
1 Termin
Montag 16. September 2024

Film Screening and Discussion

Join us for a screening and discussion around three short films exploring alienation and abstraction of relationships in art spaces among audiences, the art, the art workers, and the physical institutions themselves.

Charles de Agustin, filmmaker, New York (via Zoom)
Aaron Cassara, filmmaker, New York (via Zoom)
Tash Sharma, filmmaker, New York
Moderation: Sophie Ollmann, team Depot, art historian, Vienna

pre occupation (USA 2023), R: Tash Sharma, 7 min., OV
Scramble (USA 2009), R: Aaron Cassara, 20 min., OV
Mission Drift (USA 2023), R: Charles de Agustin, 13 min., OV

Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/y-HVXQrKbmg

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