
Kasho Chualan

Klangkunst Musikperformance
➜ edit + new album ev_02xyLFtuDnq5zAcm38dO6S
1 Termin
Donnerstag 17. Oktober 2024
17. Okt. 2024
Kasho Chualan

performance / sound sculpture
santoor, electronics, tape, voice, and toys / piano screws & strings
eingeladen von
Hans Jürgen Hauptmann
Beginn 20h30

Kasho Chualan is a Kurdish-Canadian pianist, composer and sound artist currently based in Vienna.
Her approach is experimental, textural and narrative. She creates dreamlike and melancholic scenarios,
manipulating the social constructs of how and instrument should be played or perceived.
Her compositions and performances are inspired by breaking boundaries and her Kurdish roots.
They are consisted of raw sounds, experimental improvisation, acoustic or percussive prepared instruments,
keyboard, tape and whatever other intriguing toy she happens to stumble upon.

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