Aldo Giannotti: Shifting Realities

Aldo Giannotti is an Italian artist based in Vienna. His practice encompasses different media such as installation, video, photography and performance.
The main characteristic of Giannotti?s works is the deconstruction of iconographic images, representative and semantic clichés, as well as stereotypes of various cultural
environments. The artist refers to his work as “an experiment to shift paradigms”; he is interested in new and different interpretations of set patterns and established role models.

His work has been shown at Galleria Astuni, Bologna; Künstlerhaus Vienna; Kunsthalle Vienna; Sammlung Essl, Vienna; Triennale Linz 01; Fruchthalle Kaiserslautern;
Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Copenhagen; Biennal of Young Artists, Bukarest; Forum Stadtpark, Graz; Visual Art Platform Austrian Culture Forum, London; Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna; das
weisse haus, Vienna; Galleria Galica, Milano; Galerie Robert Kastowsky, Vienna; In Between, Austria Contemporary; (bm:ukk collection) diverse locations; Galeria Rosa
Santos, Valencia; CCC Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; Museum der Moderne Salzburg; Kunstraum Niederösterreich; Kunstsammlung des Landes OÖ; Venice Biennial
Representing Gallery: Galeria Rosa Santos, Valencia. Since 2007 member of the performing company Liquid Loft. Since 2011 member of the collective buuuuuuuuu.
Prize: Startstipendium from bmukk (2011), Golden Lion Award in Venice (with performing company Liquid Loft 2007)

Eine Veranstaltung von:
TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst
Institut für Bildende und Mediale Kunst
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Rustenschacherallee 2-4, 1020 Wien
T: +43 1 71133 2712 od. 2716

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
01.04.2014 (Tue)
10:00 -