Diskussion: Design ist ein politischer Akt...

unter der Diskussionsführung durch Andres Fredes (Pure Austrian design) zum Statement der schwedischen Designerin Frida Jeppson

“Design ist ein politischer Akt. Jedes Mal wenn wir ein Produkt designen, machen wir ein politisches Statement darüber, wohin sich die Welt bewegen wird. Wir müssen uns daher dauernd fragen: Ist das Produkt, das wir designen, überhaupt relevant?”

Lili Hollein, Reanne Leunig und Thomas Feichtner mit uns über Design und seine Aufgaben, seine Machbarkeit und deren Grenzen diskutieren.

Die Personalien der einzelnen Lead-Diskutanten und Diskutantinnen für diesen wieder einmal ein wenig anderen Abend habe ich unten stehend zusammengefasst.

Lili Hollein: Industrial Designer, curator and journalist for architecture and design. As an author she has contributed to numerous books and catalogues as well as being a juror for international design competitions. She is director and founder of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK.

Reanne Leuning: Manager of Creative Industries and major events for the FOREIGN AUSTRIAN TRADE: to position Austria’s creative industries as one of the most innovative and cutting-edge players on the globe. Associate Director of ART&IDEA. Co-Author of “A Way Beyond Creative Industries”. This publication offers an insight into creative businesses in Austria and around the globe, bringing together know-how and networks of relevant contacts.

Thomas Feichtner: industrial designer, professor of product design in Kiel, Germany, he design numerous products for the Austrian sporting industry and in the area of visual communication. His works have found their way into major design collections, like that of MAK – Austrian Museum for Applied Arts/Contemporary Arts. He won different awards like the Reddot Design Award, IDA International Council of Graphic Design Associations, CCA Venus Award, Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany, Josef Binder Award, Gustav Klimt Prize, IF Design Award, Designpreis Schweiz, among others. Key note, jury for many competitions and feature in many books related to design.

Moderated by Andrés Fredes: co-founder of Pure Austrian Design, private initiative that promoted the renassance of Austrian design, pushing and dynamizing the local design scene from 2003-2010. Andrés graduated in Communication Science and has a post graduate in History of Art and Architecture, key note, curator, author of different books about design, jury for many international competitions, guest professor in architecture at the TU Wien, among many other activities related to design.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
12.11.2014 (Wed)
20:00 -
Mondlvideo , 1040 Wien MONDLVIDEO, Favoritenstrasse 34 (Keller) , 1040 Wien