Speakout Monday #2: about Inspiration & Design

»Inspiring personalities from and around Vienna share their ideas for change concerning design, start-ups and society.«

Every Monday in August from 16:00 o’clock at Alois-Drasche-Park, 1040 Vienna

For those who are familiar with the “TED talks”, the Speakout Monday is a bit similar but less formal, open air and free. In case of rain we can use some indoor space just around the corner.

Also, we will provide a few things to eat and drink, feel free to bring as well food, drinks and a blanket to have a nice picnic together.

Topic #2: Inspiration & Design


Van Bo Le-Mentzel, Architect and Founder of “Hartz IV Möbel” and “Konstruieren statt konsumieren”
Speakout: “The most inspiring moments in my life”

Erwin Bauer, Founder of “buero bauer”
Speakout: “About inclusive design”

Borhan Mohammadi
Speakout: “Pencil and ashes”

Mirjam De Klepper, Co-founder of “Vienna Shares” and “Vienna Skill Smiths”
Speakout: “The importance of design for NPOs”

Annemarie Harant, Founder of “Erdbeer-woche. Nachhaltige Frauenhygiene. Die neue Generation.”
Speakout: “My inspiration for a revolution of feminine hygiene”

… and maybe with you?

Apply now for a talk

About Speakouts:
A speakout is short (5-10 min), pure (without PowerPoint etc.), personal (content that you can’t google) and in English. From October they will be shown on to international students (over 10.000 students from China, India, Malaysia, USA and more).
Get some inspiration here: (e.g. Erik Koszuta, Ben Paul or Anna Kaiser)

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
10.08.2015 (Mon)
16:00 -
Alois-Drasche-Park , 1040 Wien Alois-Drasche-Park, 1040 Wien