Stop and Go | Nodes of Transformation and Transition

Friday, December 4th

10:00 Welcome by Andrea Braidt, deputy-director of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

10:15 to 12:30 Theories and Methods:
Regina Bittner: Multi sited ethnography in Critical Urban Studies by example of the project ?Transit Spaces? about the highway between Berlin and Moscow
Diana Ivanova: Embedded research in Documentary Film by example of her film about labour migration
Jo Pointl and Nina Valerie Kolowratnik: Fluchtraum Österreich – Mapping spatial aspects of (Forced) Migration
Michael Zinganel: Maps, Info Graphics and Reportage Comic in Urban Research

14:30 to 18:00 Case Studies from the WWTF-funded research project:

Tarmo Pikner: Temporialized spaces and social encounters embedded within Tallinn?s harbour infrastructure.
Emi Karaboeva: Networking Eurasia: Bulgarian international Truck drivers and SOMAT during (and after) the Cold war.
Michael Hieslmair: Reflecting Transitions: Dis-placement, transformations and trajectories of the International Bus terminals in Vienna.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
04.12.2015 (Fri)
10:00 -
Nordwestbahnhof , 1200 Wien Stop and Go project space, Nordwestbahnhof, Ladestrasse 1, 1020 Wien