TransArts: Marlene Haring und Anthony Auerbach. Unser Bier

Expositur Rustenschacherallee 2-4, 1020 Wien

A brief tour of various situations, predicaments, puzzles and bargains. Anthony Auerbach and Marlene Haring will talk about their work and their joint practice running The Function Room, a space for contemporary art at The Cock Tavern, a local pub in Somers Town in central London.
Their joint practice highlights shared concerns with the social and public aspects of art, the practice of negotiating relationships, inhabitation and co-habitation.

Marlene Haring was born in Vienna and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2005 by walking home on all fours through the Prater in a full-body-long-blond-hair suit. In 2005 she got the Birgit Jürgenssen award. 1999-2003 she worked in the collaboration Halt+Boring with Catrin Bolt. 2012-13 she was a post-graduate researcher at the Royal College of Art, London and is now continuing her PhD at Goldsmiths College, University of London, where she has taught since 2013. She has exhibited and performed widely, including: Royal College of Art, London (2014/13), Künstlerhaus, Vienna (2014/11), 21er Haus, Vienna (2013), Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz (2013/12), Casino Luxembourg Forum d’art contemporain (2012), Modern Art Oxford (2010), Berlin Biennale (2010), Secession, Vienna (2010/09), Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2009). In her performances, interventions and installations, Marlene Haring deals with the social construction of places and events.
She reflects and intervenes on the site-specific regulations and conventions which govern relationships and behaviours.

Anthony Auerbach was born in London and didn’t finish his first degree (Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford), but later got an MA in Architecture (London Metropolitan University, 1996) and a PhD (Slade School of Art, University College London, 2003). 1999-2004 he organised an international programme of visual arts for the Austrian Cultural Forum London. In 2002 he became Chief of Propaganda (Archiving and Epistemological Critique) of the International Necronautical Society. 2003-2007 he led the project Video as Urban Condition. 2007-2008 he was a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht (Theory Department). He has exhibited and published widely, including Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (2014), Invalid Format: An Anthology of Triple Canopy: Volume 1 (New York, 2012), Journal of Art Historiography (2011), Drawing a Hypothesis: Figures of Thought (Viena/New York, 2011), Dérive Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung (2010), Queens Museum of Art (2011/10/08), Tate Britain, London (2009), Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz (2007).
At the heart of Anthony Auerbach’s work is the practice he renounced towards the end of the nineties: drawing … Auerbach abruptly stopped drawing and buried the medium beneath a new set of practices. Yet, with paradoxical consistency, his work since then “now as much at home in photography or video as in installation and event” is the recovery of drawing’s buried trace, digging it up in order to bury or erase it once again. In performing this double-move repeatedly, the work has become both praxis and meta-praxis, an enquiry into the condition of drawing itself. (Tom McCarthy)

In 2014 Marlene Haring and Anthony Auerbach founded The Function Room, a space for contemporary art at The Cock Tavern, a local pub in Somers Town in central London.

Eine Veranstaltung von:
TransArts - Transdisziplinäre Kunst
Institut für Bildende und Mediale Kunst
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Rustenschacherallee 2-4, 1020 Wien

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
15.12.2015 (Tue)
10:00 -