Landschaftskunst. Landschaft und öffentlicher Raum: Hannes Zebedin

Hannes Zebedin presents his work

Hannes Zebedin´s practice explores political consciousness through the language of conceptual art and embraces a broad range of media including objects, installations, text works, performance and interventions often in relation to national monuments, as well as the acts of civil society and grass roots protest movements. Among the ethical issues that he focuses are: the environment and pollution, addressing local and site-specific contexts to discuss global capitalism, transnational politics, colonial histories and rural areas research. His explicit non-acrobatic work keeps close to the ground. He tries to position realities of life in historical contexts by studying and merging physical and social materialities of urban and rural environments. His work is placed in parallel to people´s life experiences. Being focused on groundwork offers possibilities of observing and activating existing forces, allowing them to show themselves and their interrelationships.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
07.04.2016 (Thu)
15:00 -
Angewandte Expositur Paulusplatz , 1030 Wien Expositur Paulusplatz 5, Seminarraum, 2.Stock, 1030 Wien