

Presentation of JAR / Research Catalogue and the blogportal followed by discussion and reflection about the benefits and challenges of Open Access for Doctoral/PhD students and for artistic research(ers)
An event organized by the Center of Doctoral Studies in the framework of GRAKO.

The discussions around Open Access are currently very present. What does Open Access mean for science and research in general and artistic research in particular? What types of Open Access are there? What are the advantages of Open Access and what should be considered when publishing Open Access? How can Open Access be used as a source for your own research? How does Open Access complement other forms of publication, how can one combine different publishing sites and formats? What does Open Access offer to researchers as a means of publishing, but also as a source and resource for their own research.
Barnaby Drabble will present the Open Access Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) he is editor of JAR and the related Research Catalogue. He will present how JAR implements Open Access and what Open Access means for the artistic researcher and the artistic research community.
Karoline Döring (LMU Munich) introduces the blog portal, and asks why, how and where one could / should blog especially as a young researcher. She will further present examples and show show how a blogportal is used especially by young scientists in the field of medieval studies to publish their research results.

After the two presentations three colleagues from the Academy will start off the discussion: Axel Stockburger (IBK) will reflect on what Open Access means from the perspective of an artist, researcher and author. Andreas Ferus (Open Access Working Group, University Library) will inform about the Academy?s Open Access activities and the library?s support offers. Hannah Bruckmüller (doctoral candidate, IKW) will share her experiences as an editor of the all-over online magazine.
Finally, there is the possibility to ask concrete questions, and to discuss with the presenters and all participants e.g. why Open Access could be of interest for doctoral/PhD students, and how it could fit into a publication strategy.

The event has a limited number of attendees, which means it is possible to discuss very specific questions in a semi-public space.
We look forward to a lively participation and exchange on experiences.
Language | The event will be in English

Registration / Conditions of Participation:
Please register with until January 16th, 2017 and attach a scan of your current ?Studienblatt? (i.e. certification of enrollment)
The event is limited to 20 participants (first come, first serve).

Please direct your questions to the Center for Doctoral Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 01 / 588 16 – 1115

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
18.01.2017 (Wed)
13:00 -