François Roche: S_he would rather do Fiction Maker

?Experimental architecture has shifted toward a new corpus of instrumentations, made out of tools, computation, mechanization, as well as of fictions and lines of subjectivity, synchronous with our symptoms of fears and fantasies of escape from the here and now. The purpose of this 1993-2050 flashback is to explore correlations and interdependencies between attitudes and the forms they underpin. It is to discover a post-digital, post-human, post-activist, post-democratic, post-feminist world – a queer, androgynous, carnal, disturbing, disenchanted, pornographic, transient, transactional world – where scenarios, mechanisms, misunderstandings, and psychological and physiological fragments are what make up walls and ceilings, cellars and attics – schizoid and paranoid, between the lines of operative and critical fictions – the androgynous folds and recesses behind which – he/she/they – hide(s), trigger(s) confusion and gut reactions, hostilities, fantasized idealization, and even premeditated oblivion.
We must use paradoxical postures and aesthetic mechanisms to highlight bio-political challenges, the potentials and disorders of contemporary technologies, from their early stages to their merchandising, and suspect them of not being so harmless, beyond conventional discourses and self-conscious aesthetics ?

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
16.10.2017 (Mon)
19:00 -
IKA - Institut für Kunst und Architektur , 1010 Wien IKA, Room AU01.1.15A / 1st floor, core N, Augasse 2?6, 1090 Wien