Illustrated book of Nature

New perspectives on the History of Natural History Museums

Symposium in englischer Sprache
18:00 - 20:30

Internationale ExpertInnen und Experten stellen historische und moderne Zugänge zum Ausstellen naturwissenschaftlicher Inhalte in naturhistorischen Museen vor.

Anschließend: Diskussion, Führung durch die Schausammlung und aufs Dach des NHM Wien.

Further information:
Since their foundation in the 19th century, Natural History Museums challenged and shaped the way people think about the natural world. Being scientific research institutes and public educational institutions at the same time, they had to find ways of conveying their topics to diverse audiences. Although creations of the industrial revolution, the Natural History Museums stand in an intellectual tradition reaching back to medieval times: complex presentations of animals can be traced back to illuminated manuscripts like the bestiaries. The talks of this symposium will try to fathom out the different (historic and modern) approaches of displaying natural knowledge.


6:00 pm: Welcome & Introduction | Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Köberl, CEO & Director General of the Natural History Museum Vienna

6:05 pm: Books of Beasts: The Medieval Manuscript Heritage of the Natural History Museum |Janine Rogers (Professor of Medieval and Sixteenth-Century Literature, and the Reverend William Purvis Chair of English Literature in the Department of English Literatures at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada)

6:25 pm: Pre-Raphaelite art & Victorian science: The Oxford University Museum of Natural History | John Holmes (Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture at the University of Birmingham, UK)

6:45 pm: Art / Nature. Artistic Interventions at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin| Anita Hermannstädter M.A. (head of PAN –Perspectives on Nature, the Department for Humanities and Arts at the Museum für Naturkunde) Berlin

Following the talks: Guided tour through the history of the NHM Vienna with a visit to the roof of the museum| Stefanie Jovanovic-Kruspel (NHM Vienna)

Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Austrian Society for the History of Science, der Freunde des NHM Wien und des NHM Wien

NHM Wien Vortrag
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Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
29.08.2018 (Wed)
18:00 -