Noah Sow: Healing through hybridities

Vortrag und Workshop von Noah Sow im Rahmen der Reihe Vorträge zu antirassistischen, BPoC und migrantischen Perspektiven aus Kunst und Bildung.

Noah Sow: Healing through hybridities

In this presentation and artist talk Noah Sow will explain the political approach, deliberations and technicalities in some of her most pronounced works.

Noah Sow is a recording, performing and conceptual artist, theorist, lecturer and best selling author. Her work focuses on survival, autonomy, critical analysis of societal norms and empowerment.

Moderation: Abiona Esther Ojo

BPoC Workshop with Noah Sow

Tuesday, 13.11.2018, 3 - 6 pm
X-Space; Kandlgasse 24, 1070 Wien

Keep the fire burning: How to build structures of continuity in our intersectional art, activism and queer-intersectional knowledge production

Every new wave of activists find themselves in the same dilemma: How to act passionately while avoiding burnout? How to create new movements while acknowledging and learning from those who have paved the way before us? In the marginalized and often criminalized field of work that is activism for social equality, the resources are dramatically scarce. Oftentimes, not much thought, effort and energy seems to be left to take care of the movement’s historiography and continuity. In this workshop we will discuss creative and traditional ways to build structures of continuity in our own intersectional art, activism and knowledge production.

More Information & Registration:

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
14.11.2018 (Wed)
18:30 -