Ortsbezogene Kunst: Statement by Katrin Mayer

memoiré et doublier
memoiré et doublier is the title of an exhibition Katrin Mayer developed for the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart in 2013. The title indicates relevant procedures of her site-specific practice. Derived from the terms ‚Moiré‘ et ‚Doublierware‘ it describes an unforeseen shift within a pattern or raster which occures during printing or weaving processes.
The french-like play on words memoiré et doublier hints at memorization (mémoire), her working with structures (moiré), the re-enactment of found materials (doubler) and the momentariness (oublier) of her temporary scenarios.
Within the framework of „Statements“ she will put these site-specific and time-based actualizations up for discussion.

Katrin Mayer’s approach is a type of archeology of knowledge. She often takes up gender political and subcultural histories of a place and—having checked their validity—translate them into a spatial-material formulation. In so doing, she works against the fiction of an allegedly neutral space, betraying the ways that place is constantly intertwined with historical meaning. She reassembles selected traces from her research in such a way as to suggest specific shifts in the way we interpret them. What results are temporary, hybrid settings, whose materiality and manner of display become meaningful signifiers, mostly exceeding their function as mere intermediaries.


Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
28.03.2019 (Thu)
13:00 -