Artist Lecture Series: Toni Schmale

Artist Lecture Series Vienna präsentiert Toni Schmale
15. Mai 2019

19.00 Uhr – Präsentation / Vortrag

nach der Präsentation / after the presentation
Artist Lecture Series Vienna publication release!
Ute Müller

Toni Schmale, geboren 1980 in Hamburg, lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Studium an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig und an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien.

Ausstellungen Auswahl 2018-2015: Queer Stories, tranzit/sk, Bratislava/SK; MOUNTAIN ENERGEI, Gallery Har-El, Printers & Publishers, Jaffa/ISR; Sexy & Cool. Minimal goes emotional, Kunsthalle Tübingen/DE; HOT HOT HOT, Secession, Wien/AT solo; the good enough mother, BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art, Gateshead/UK solo; Spiegelnde Fenster, 21 Haus Belvedere, Wien/AT; Work it, feel it!, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien/AT; Bingo, ASPN Galerie, Leipzig/DE; 56th October Salon, Belgrad Biennale, The Pleasure Of Love, Belgrad/SRB; SEPP AUER/ TONI SCHMALE, Christine König Galerie, Wien/AT; SUPEREGO, nGbK, Berlin/DE solo; KÖR, In the Still of the Night, Esterhazypark, Wien/AT; The School of Kyiv, Kyiv Biennale, Kiew/UKR; Selftimer Stories, MUSAC, Leon/ES

Toni Schmale, born in 1980 in Hamburg, lives and works in Vienna. Studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Selected exhibitions 2018-2015: Queer Stories, tranzit / sk, Bratislava / SK; MOUNTAIN ENERGEI, Gallery Har-El, Printers & Publishers, Jaffa / ISR; Sexy & cool. Minimal goes emotional, Kunsthalle Tübingen / DE; HOT HOT HOT, Secession, Vienna / AT solo; the good enough mother, BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art, Gateshead / UK solo; Spiegelnde Fenster, 21 Haus Belvedere, Vienna / AT; Work it, feel it !, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna / AT; Bingo, ASPN Gallery, Leipzig / DE; 56th October Salon, Belgrade Biennial, The Pleasure Of Love, Belgrade / SRB; SEPP AUER / TONI SCHMALE, Christine König Gallery, Vienna / AT; SUPERREGO, nGbK, Berlin / DE solo; KÖR, In the Still of the Night, Esterhazypark, Vienna / AT; The School of Kyiv, Kyiv Biennale, Kiev / UKR; Selftimer Stories, MUSAC, Leon / ES

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
15.05.2019 (Wed)
19:00 -
Skulpturinstitut , 1030 Wien