TransArts: Angelika Loderer

Angelika Loderer will talk about her notion of sculptures and the way she is looking for them. On this path of her study, objects draw on the force of gravity and the lure of horizontality, activate slippages into entropy, and invite detours into the natural world, as well as the unseen and overlooked.
Her work will bear witness to the interplay between snapshot and durability and the ambivalence of value, perishability, and meaning. They also call conceptions of value in question by enhancing simple and commonplace forms with precious materials.

Angelika Loderer (born 1984, lives and works in Vienna) studied at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, at Wimbledon College of Art, London as well as at Hendrix College, Arkansas, USA.
Recent solo exhibitions include: 2018 Poems to Gadgets, Grazer Kunstverein; 2017 Quiet Fonts at Sophie Tappeiner and Angelika Loderer at Secession, both Vienna; 2016 Animate at Salzburger Kunstverein; 2015 Coming in Pieces at Dortmunder Kunstverein.
Among others, her work has been included in the following group exhibitions: 2019 On the New, Kunstraum Innsbruck; All natural. 100% Sammlung, Museum der Moderne Salzburg; On the New. Young Scenes in Vienna at Belvedere 21; 2018 Dream´n Wild, Alaska, Sydney; Dead End Galaxies at Exile Gallery, Berlin; 2017 To figure it out at Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna; Platonic Dust at El Quinto Piso, Mexico City; 2016 Collaborative Network at Forum Stadtpark, Graz/Berlin.
Her work is included in the permanent collections of Belvedere 21, Landesgalerie Linz, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Universalmuseum Joanneum and EVN.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
29.10.2019 (Tue)
10:00 -