Barricading the Ice Sheets: Tactics to disrupt climate-wrecking activities

Aka Niviâna (Greenland)
Oliver Ressler (Vienna)

Organized by Marina Grzinic (PCAP) in collaboration with Oliver Ressler.

Oliver Ressler introduces with his project Barricading the Ice Sheets methods that bring activists together in situations that might not have arisen otherwise, creating the opportunity for them to speak from platforms that would otherwise have been unavailable, and recording the insights that result from these combinations. Ressler has organized in collaboration with Camera Austria the conference Barricading the Ice Sheets in Graz. Among the speakers was Aka Niviâna. Barricading the Ice Sheets is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF: AR 526). In autumn 2021 it will materialize as an exhibition at Camera Austria.

Aka Niviâna: Climate awareness is for everyone

When we talk about the climate crisis, there is a tendency of believing that you have to be a certain kind of person, with a certain position to make impact on the topic. The argument I try to communicate is, that no matter your background it is an issue that we all can participate in solving. We all share the responsibility to change the current way of life on Earth.

CV: Aka Niviâna (GL) is a Greenlandic artist based in Nuuk. Aka writes poetry and scripts that focuses on topic regarding climate and our role and responsibility for future generations.

Oliver Ressler (AT) is an artist and filmmaker from Vienna, and initiator of “Barricading the Ice Sheets”. He works on issues such as economics, democracy, migration, the climate catastrophe, forms of resistance and social alternatives. He has completed thirty-three films that have been screened worldwide in thousands of events of social movements, art institutions and film festivals. Ressler has participated in more than 350 group exhibitions, Kyiv (2017), Gothenburg (2019), Stavanger (2019), and at Documenta 14, Kassel, 2017 (exhibition organized by EMST).

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)