STREAM: Crit Cross #11 – Art & Criticism in Times of Crisis

We will use Zoom for our discussion:

Does the shutdown bring an overproducing artworld to a healthy halt or is it an exciting opportunity to find new ways of producing? Does the quarantine expose the shortcomings of the gallery system or does it prove the irreplaceability of the physical experience of art in the age of Instagram? Will cancelled art fairs be replaced by thriving online salesrooms or does the crisis show that an altogether different way of financing art – and perhaps everything else – is necessary and possible?
Times of crisis are times for reflection. A Forum on Art Criticism to step back and reflect on the puzzles, impacts and paradoxes of the Covid-19 Crisis. As we move through the evening, we will look at three aspects, namely the creation, circulation & presentation and the financing of art.

Moderation: Klaus Speidel, Kunstkritiker, Kurator

As always, our debate will be nourished by contemporary critical writing. Here’s a choice of our readings:

About Crit Cross: Crit Cross. A Forum on Art Criticism is an open discussion group of current writing about art organized by Verein K in Vienna. It aims at creating a platform for the sustainable promotion of art- and sociocritical dialogue as well as art-related topics in Vienna. The premise of the project is that art texts are part of a social discourse, which also thrives on direct exchange. We believe that critical reflections on art and society are essential at a time when art is under pressure of justification in the face of shrinking resources and political change. In each session, texts from international and national art magazines, newspapers, blogs and other publications are selected, prepared and discussed. Twice a year, international critics are invited to put their own texts up for discussion to allow for a direct exchange with international representatives of art criticism in Vienna. The events take place in different art and cultural institutions in Vienna (Belvedere 21, Depot, Kunsthalle Wien, mumok, Secession) and are facilitated by theorist, art critic & curator Klaus Speidel.
For questions and suggestions get in touch at
For more information and to find the text, please visit:
The Crit Cross program is supported by the 7. District of Vienna.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
21.04.2020 (Tue)
18:30 -
Online ,