STREAM: Music Pours Over The Sense

an experimental online Symposium

With our bodies unable to touch, our eyes unable to meet and our ears deafened by an overload of content, we must listen even more carefully, reassure silence even more deeply, voice even more viscerally and experiment even more with how we relate to.

“Music Pours Over The Sense” is a two-day online gathering around the transformative, connective and affective potential pouring from dialogues between bodies and sounds. It brings together researchers, practitioners, artists, activists and organisers from corporeal-acoustic spheres in a conversation around body-sound relationships, their potentialities and the impact the current pandemic and political crisis are having on them.

Originally planned as a live event on the premises of Forum Stadtpark in Graz but interrupted by the pandemic, “Music Pours Over The Sense” morphs into a series of online conversations and publications open to everyone the Internet may connect. Despite the current personal, global and cybernetic overload, we have decided not to cancel the symposium, but to shape it into an extended digital conversation. Pondering ways of relating and resonating with an environment and with each other as collective artistic practice seems currently of great importance.

This conversation will take place through four discussion panels triggered by the muting and deafening dangers of self-confinement and through lectures, essays, practices, etcetera published on a Website.

You are invited to attend the live stream on Facebook and YouTube. Adequate links will be posted soon.


FRIDAY, 15th May

“Aesthetic Cognition: Steps to an Ecology of Cognitive Practices” - lecture by Alex Arteaga

Panel 1 - Voice in times of pandemics - voices in suffocation can also listen in disobedience
with Veza Maria Fernandez Wenger (ESP/AT), Jule Flierl (DE), Edka Jarząb (PL)

7pm CET
Panel 2 - Improvisation as “an alternative academy crucial to preparing ourselves for… the struggle to keep sorrow from degenerating into despair.“
with Magdalena Chowaniec Magda Gandhi(PL/AT), Dorine Mokha Pro (RDC), Keith Hennessy (US), Andrea Parkins(US/DE), Simon Rose (UK/DE)

“Aesthetic Cognition: Steps to an Ecology of Cognitive Practices” - lecture by Alex Arteaga

SATURDAY, 16th May
11am CET
Panel 3 - Holding onto meetings and gatherings under prohibition? Subversive strategies of collective dancing and music making
with Bogomir Doringer (SRB/NL), Naja Orashvili (GEO), Magdelena Ho Yan Tang (HK), Jamila Johnson-Small (UK)

3pm CET
Panel 4 - “And now what? And now how? Research through artistic practices and social transformation” moderated by Alex Arteaga (ESP)

All participating artists/researchers: Andrea Parkins (US/DE), Alexandra Baybutt (UK) & Ivan Mijačević (SLO), Bogomir Doringer (SRB/NL), Lisa Vereertbrugghen (BE), Ellen Soderhult (SE), Francois Zaidan (CA), Magdelena Ho Yan Tang (HK), Josh Spear (UK), Jule Flierl (DE), Kurt Schatz (AT), Patric Redl (AT), Simon Rose (UK/DE), Tina Stefanou (AUS/GR), Edyta Jarzab (PL), Brigitte Wilfing (AT), Veza Fernandez (AT/ESP), Alex Arteaga (ESP), Dorine Mokha (RDC), Magdalena Chowaniec (AT/PL), Keith Hennessy (US), Paola Montecinos (CHL), Jamila Johson-Small (UK)

Symposium is financed by the Doctoral School for Artistic Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz Kunstuni Graz KUG and organised by Magdalena Chowaniec and Veza Fernandez

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
15.05.2020 (Fri) - 16.05.2020 (Sat)
10:00 -
Online ,