Perspektiven auf zeitgenössische Kunst: Caroline Schopp

Caroline Schopp (Univ. Wien / Getty, ACLS Fellow Univ.)
 Paradigms of Performance Art

The art history of performance art tends to provide a narrative of
 emancipatory action: performance art emancipates the body by
 staging or inviting direct action, stimulates experiences of liveness 
and immediacy, and agitates politically. This lecture presents a critical
 history of the action-paradigm and considers countermodels that
 accommodate performances of precarity, melancholy, and constraint
 that fail or refuse the call to action. We will look at the work of Tania 
Bruguera, Franko B, and William Pope.L amongst others. Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Perspektiven auf zeitgenössische Kunst in Kooperation mit der Universität Wien und der Universität für Angewandte Kunst.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
05.11.2020 (Thu)
16:45 -
Online ,